
Modern Game Studio - How to transfer builds and large files in a distributed environment?

A common topic that came up during the pandemic is the "Modern Game Studio" - a studio that enables everyone to work from wherever they are. Whether you are at home, or a Studio location. Whether you are using a capable workstation with a beefy GPU or just have a "regular" laptop at your disposal.


PlayFab Match History - Extending PlayFab during Hackweek 2021

In my last post, I talked about extending PlayFab with Azure Functions.


Extending PlayFab - Reacting to PlayStream Events with Azure Functions

As my teammate Andreas Pohl wrote in his article Build vs. Buy - Which online service is right for my game, PlayFab is a great way to get started with a backend for your game.


Deploy Statiq to Azure Static Web App

Azure Static Web Apps just went GA a few days ago. I took the opportunity to deploy my blog as a "SWA" (Static Web App). In this post, I am writing about my experience with the service and how you can deploy a Statiq-based site.